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Anmerkungen IS2001286955 - Spenna frá Litlu-Tungu 2 (1)
Datum/Autor Text
25.05.2006 21:37:58, geysir Spenna has a very good pedigree (blup 109) and is a talented 4-gaited and good tempered mare. She is not much trained but willing and funny to ride.
She is elegant under rider and very powerful. Allready showing lots of clean tölt with high lift and nice reach, good speed range and is using her hind well. The trot is big with lift, easy to get and just need little training to be fully clean.
She listens well to the reins and can be ridden alone all over but requires at this point an experienced rider.
Spenna has a friendly and sweet caracter, is well manered, easy to handle and she comes to you in the pasture.
Up to date with deworming, dentistry and farrier.
Potential as brood mare or a promising competition horse.

Quelle: Litla-Tunga 2

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stormhestar, taktklar, Islandpferd, Islandpferde, icelandic horse, horse, database, Datenbank, Isländer, Island, Sattel, Trense, Ausrüstung, Reiten, Pferd, Tölt, Rennpass, Natur, FIZO, Prüfung, Ergebnisse, Veranstaltungen