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Anmerkungen US1999101295 - Blastur from South Spoon Ranch (1)
Datum/Autor Text
06.04.2006 20:18:46, Bylgia This 5 year old, 13 hand palomino gelding has some interesting domestic breeding in his lines as well as being a grandson of Hrafnson from Wiesenhof. (Hrafnson is back in Germany so I don´t think there is a lot of his breeding in the United States). I believe John Park said that Flekkur is related to his famous endurance horse ”Remington”. The other horse of interest in the mother of Fina. Lilja fra Fitjamyri she is mentioned in many of the stories written by breeders in Alaska. Blastur has had 30 days under saddle, but would require a refresher. He has a beautiful trot, but tolt would need training to be brought out.

Quelle: South Spoon Ranch

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