Tappi ist ein superlieber junger Wallach. Er hat sehr gute, bequeme GGA und schönen Tölt.
Tappi ist einfach zu reiten und superbrav. Sein Stockmaß ist ca 1,43. Er ist bei weiterer Ausbildung bestimmt ein gutes Turnierpferd oder Familienpferd.
Tappi frá Lágafelli (undan Feng frá Lágafelli og Árnýju frá Lágafelli) Hann er fćddur sumariđ 2004 - ţá rauđblesóttur bláeygur; sokkóttur og međ svartan áberandi blett á nös eins og hann hafi kysst flöskustút - Enn hann er ađ verđ hvítur - (grár núna)
Hann fékk ţví nafniđ Tappi -
Hann er međ allar gangtegundir opnar - er stór eftir aldri og spaklátur -
Tappi frá Lágafelli (off Fengur frá Lágafelli and Árný frá Lágafelli) He is born in the summer 2004 - then he was Chestnut with big blaze; blue eye´s and had 4 white sock´s and a black spot you can still see at his nose - like he was kyssing a cola bottle - but he is now getting white (grey at the moment)
Becouse off this black spot he was named Tappi - he is big for his age - he is showing all gaits and he is calm toward´s people!
For sale at 150.000 isl/kr -