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Anmerkungen IS1983225005 - Dúkkulísa frá Dallandi (2)
Datum/Autor Text
01.09.2008 09:43:46, Color Rćktandi: Gunnar Dungal
Eigendur: Gunnar og Ţórdís

Hćsti dómur

Sýningarár 1992

Mál: 140 - - 67 - - 26,0 - 16,0
Sköpulag: 8,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 7,0 - 8,0 - 8,5 = 7,98
Hćfileikar: 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 8,5 - 8,0 = 8,31

Ađaleinkunn: 8,14

Dćmd afkvćmi og hćsti dómur ţeirra

IS2001225110 Hríma frá Dallandi
F: IS1994166620 Huginn frá Haga I
Sýningarár: 2005 Sköpulag: 8,03 Hćfileikar: 8,40 Ađaleinkunn: 8,26

IS1999225114 Valborg frá Dallandi
F: IS1993187336 Tývar frá Kjartansstöđum
Sýningarár: 2005 Sköpulag: 8,02 Hćfileikar: 7,82 Ađaleinkunn: 7,90

IS1998225110 Dýrleif frá Dallandi
F: IS1993125110 Dagfinnur frá Dallandi
Sýningarár: 2004 Sköpulag: 7,96 Hćfileikar: 8,17 Ađaleinkunn: 8,09

IS1997225109 Hetja frá Dallandi
F: IS1986186055 Orri frá Ţúfu
Sýningarár: 2003 Sköpulag: 7,87 Hćfileikar: 8,13 Ađaleinkunn: 8,03

IS1994225109 Dalla frá Dallandi
F: IS1988176100 Svartur frá Unalćk
Sýningarár: 2001 Sköpulag: 8,03 Hćfileikar: 8,00 Ađaleinkunn: 8,01

20.08.2006 15:57:35, lescha Dúkkulísa breeds big horses with a well-chiselled head, but deep jaws.The neck is raised, the withers high, the back is soft and the croup deep.The horses have long legs but the breast is deep, the legs are acceptable, the sinews strong and the legs are dry.The front legs are splayfooted and base-narrow, but the hooves are of thick material.Mane and tail are not so good.Most of the offspring have all gaits, with good width and beat.Their willingness is great but manageable and they carry themselves well.
Dúkkulísa breeds well-built horses, but lacking in mane and tail.They are good five-gaiters.Dúkkulísa receives honours awards for her offspring and the seventh place.

Landsmot 2006

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