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Anmerkungen IS1999184970 - Vonarneisti frá Lynghaga (3)
Datum/Autor Text
25.08.2012 22:26:08, tsch Mitteleuropäische Meisterschaft 2012:

Silvia Ochsenreiter-Egli holte unterdessen Gold nach Deutschland: im Rennen über 150 Meter war sie mit Vonarneisti frá Lynghaga gestartet und hatte eine Bestzeit von 15,67 Sekunden erzielt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum damit errittenen Titel vor Iris Biegner auf Alvari von Oberbilstein (15,96) und Johanna Wahl mit Valtýr frá Kirkjubæ (16,06).

Quelle: - isisbless Henning Drath
02.12.2008 10:45:14, Hestur2008 Hengst, geboren 1999 in Island. Rappe / Dunkelbraun / Größe: 142 cm
FEIF-ID: IS1999184970

FIZO-Materialprüfung:: Exterieur -- Kopf 7,5 -- Hals-Widerrist-Schulter 8,0 -- Rückenlinie-Kruppe 8,0 -- Proportionen 8,0 -- Gliedmaßen 8,5 -- Gelenke 7,0 -- Hufe 7,5 -- Mähne-Schweif 8,0 -- Exterieur 7,89 -- Reiteigenschaften -- Tölt 9,0 -- Trab 8,5 -- Pass 8,5 -- Galopp 8,5 -- Charakter und Gehwille 8,5 -- Form unter dem Reiter 8,5 -- Schritt 8,0 -- Langsamer Tölt 8,0 -- Reiteigenschaften 8.55 -- Gesamt: 8.29 -- BLUP: 112.

Vonarneisti (his name means ”the flame of a hope”) is a son of Ódur frá Brún, one of the most famous icelandic stallions in the world. Unfortunately the great Ódur is dead, so it is more and more difficult for ambitious breeders, who are interested only in first class breeding, to find high judged Ódur`s offsprings/stallions.

With Vonarneisti there is a great opportunity to proceed this excellent blood line. Vonarneisti is the third highest judged stallion, Ódur`s son, in Europe and is one of only 2 stallions ( Ódur`s sons in Europe), who has 9 for tölt and at the same time the total FIZO breeding score over 8,25 (Vonarneisti has 8,29). Vonarneisti frá Lynghaga is big and beautiful, spectacular, first-class five-gaited stallion. All his gaits are equally good, with intensive and energetic movements, but the highest value is his tölt, which is extraordinary and breathtaking.

Vonarneisti tölts smoothly, with high leg action, uses his body intensivly and he can manage all speeds. His fast tempo tölt is incredibly good - he was judged with 9 for tölt. Vonarneisti`s strong point is also his character, which shows a lot of temperament, but is easy to handle and very cooperative.

The high breeding value - beside his excellent pedigree - is, that Vonarneisti`s offsprings take from him tölt and character. Vonarneisti`s big brothers and sisters after his father Ódur frá Brún are: List frá Vakurstödum (10 for tölt, 9 for trot, 9,5 for character and willingness, 9 for form under the rider, 9,5 for slow tölt), Hrydja frá Hvoli (10 for pace, 9,5 for character and willingness), Aaron frá Strandarhöfdi (9,5 for tölt, 9 for character and willingness, 9,5 for form under the rider) und Töfri frá Kjartansstödum (9,5 for tölt, 9,5 for galopp, 9 for character and willingness, 9,5 for form under the rider und 9,5 for slow tölt).

But Vonarneisti is not only a top breeding horse, he is also a top sport horse - highly A qualified in T1 and in V1 (adult group). Vonarneisti was very succesful in 2007 with a young rider (among other results also the 2nd place in V2 at the Deutsche Jugendmeisterschaft and the 1st place in V2 and T3 at the Österreichischen Meisterschaft and at the Slovenian Championships). In 2008 was Vonarneisti very succesful with his trainer Steffi Kleis.

Vonarneisti is in constant training with Steffi Kleis in Vörstetten (Germany), one of the best trainers in Europe, is therefore top trained and can be used right away for the biggest competitions. The real enjoyment and an endless satisfaction is riding Vonarneisti as a pleasure riding horse in the nature - than he shows he is coming from the country of gaedingars! A lot of spirit and speed, but he is always with a rider and always easy to control. Vonarneisti is totaly healthy, 100 free of spavin (spat) and has no summer eczema. He is fit, beautiful, full of life. He is a happy stallion.
06.10.2008 16:13:12, hvinur Vonarneisti ist ein absoluter Spitzentölter mit Sport A Qualifikation im Viergang und im Tölt (Höchstnote im Tölt T1 7.17). Durch seinen guten Charakter ist er relativ einfach zu reiten und kann direkt im Sport eingesetzt werden.
Aufgrund seiner Abstammung ist er auch gut für die Zucht geeignet. Vornarneisti ist gekört und annerkant beim Bayrischen Zuchtverband.
Vonarneisti wird im Kundenauftrag verkauft und kann gerne nach Vereinbarung besichtigt und Probegeritten werden.


Kopf 7.50
Hals-Widerrist-Schulter 8.00
Rückenlinie-Kruppe 8.00
Proportionen 8.00
Gliedmassen 8.50
Gelenke 7.00
Hufe 7.50
Mähne-Schweif 8.00
Exterieur 7.89

Tölt 9.00
Trab 8.50
Schritt 8.00
Galopp 8.50
Pass 8.50
Langsamer Tölt 8.00
Charakter und Gehwille 8.50
Form unterm Reiter 8.50
Reiteigenschaften 8.55

Gesamt 8.29
BLUP: 112

(Quelle: Steffi Kleis)

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stormhestar, taktklar, Islandpferd, Islandpferde, icelandic horse, horse, database, Datenbank, Isländer, Island, Sattel, Trense, Ausrüstung, Reiten, Pferd, Tölt, Rennpass, Natur, FIZO, Prüfung, Ergebnisse, Veranstaltungen