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Anmerkungen US2002102741 - Reykur from Rivendell (3)
Datum/Autor Text
26.03.2009 09:03:52, Color This colorful colt has shown the basic four gaits, but could be five gaited. He is a good jumper so could make a career of it. He is very friendly, but respectful. Both parents are excellent trail horses with easy gait and are much loved by their respective owners. He is currently just under 13.2 hands tall. He´s rubbed his mane out but there is no sign of eczema.

He got about 2 1/2 months training summer 2007. Though somewhat insecure, he has excellent brakes (from bit, side pull or bitless bridle) and is very attentive to the rider. However, he does need leadership from his rider and startles easily, though he has never spun, bucked, reared or bolted. He spooks pretty much in place. He offers all five gaits under saddle, though trot is a more recent development. His gaits are not quite coordinated yet, but are getting steadier. I recommend a confident rider with relaxed seat, good balance and adept use if aids. Definitely not suitable for a novice or timid rider at this stage, but I think he will be with miles and proper confidence building.

Quelle:Dawn Shaw
23.06.2006 19:14:34, LitlaHamingja Reykur ist wie sein Vater Gnupur Erdfarbwindfarben.
23.10.2005 13:43:56, khf Farbnummer : 8800
Im Wf mit der Angabe : Windfarben/Braun oder Rappwindfarbwechsler eingetragen.

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