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Anmerkungen IS2001155088 - Platon frá Þorkelshóli 2 (1)
Datum/Autor Text
14.01.2006 18:13:29, Hrappur The 1st of December our 4 years old stallion Platon was put to sleep. Platon was a very promising young stallion with exceptional mind great movements and confirmation. Platon was getting thin last spring and we decided to stop the evaluationplans and let him rest during the summer and get fat. But he did not gain weight, he got a lot of vitamins and special feed, several different types of deworming... Then we took him inside to have more control of his eating but he did not have any appetite at all. In the end we send him to the clinic in Reykjavik for testing and then it turned out the he had cancer in his stumage. Nothing to do then to put him to sleep. A chock to everyone.
Quelle: Þorkelshóli

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