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Anmerkungen IS1982187036 - Gassi frá Vorsabæ II (5)
Datum/Autor Text
14.09.2008 17:11:06, Color Fellfarben Genotyp:

ee Aa

28.01.2008 18:31:26, Bylgia Gassi was born in Vorsabaer 2. He appeared to be a very promising foal, so the decision was made to raise him as a stallion and see how he would develop later on. He was taken in for training for the first time in the beginning of 1986 and absolutely fulfilled our expectations.
Gassi was handsome, showed good willingness and good gaits. Bjorn trained the young stallion and showed him at Murneyri in the qualifications for the Landsmót 1986 in Hella. He achieved the right to participate at the Landsmót and was awarded first price, with an evaluation of 8,04. At the Landsmót Gassi presented himself well and ended up as second best 4year old stallion, just after Otur frá Saudarkroki. He received 8,01 and in the book of horse breeding 1986 he got the following description: “Gassi 1036 frá Vorsabae 2 has an impressive appearance and reminds of his mother’s sire Globlesi 455 frá Eyvindarholum, both in colour, building of the front parts, character, which is rather cold, and front legs which are not quite beautiful enough. The horse is courageous, with beautiful gaits and wide movements, possesses a good speed range and presents another promising horse in the group of sons of Hrafn 802.
”The next time (and always afterwards) Gassi was shown by Eirikur Gudmundsson on the show at the stallions’ stable in Gunnarsholt in spring 1988. He had developed considerably in the meantime and attracted lots of interest. He received a great evaluation, 8,18 for conformation, 8,40 for rideability and 8,29 overall score. He was then bought by a horsebreeding-asssociation in North-Iceland and shown again in Hella in the spring of 1990 in the qualifiqations for the Landsmót. He won first place in this show and was evaluated even higher than before, 8,38 for conformation, 8,60 for rideability and 8,49 overall score. With this score he entered the Landsmót as the highest judged stallion that year, but at the Landsmót itself he ended up on second place in the group of stallions 6 years and older, having received an overall score of 8,45. The judges had lowered his score for proportions from 8,5 to 8,0 thereby lowering his overall score to 8,45, the same score that Kolfinnur frá Kjarnholtum had received. However, Kolfinnur was awarded first prize and Gassi second prize, which seems odd, since Gassi´s score was 8,45, the score of Kolfinnur 8,445! Still, the judges commented on him positively: “Gassi unites better than many others beauty, elegant building, a good speed range and good rideability.”
[Þorkell Bjarnarson/Hrossaræktin 1990]

Quelle: Vorsabæ II
20.03.2007 12:57:26, Manu und Gert Habe einer der ersten Fohlen von Gassi. Er vererbt sehr stark seine Farbe. Meine Stute ist eher eine ruhige (liegt vielleicht auch schon am Alter, wurde im Okt. 2006 21 Jahre alt). Hat aber einen starken Dickkopf. Sie ist absolut lieb im Umgang und eine ganz extreme Schmuserin. Die enge Brust hat sie wohl vom Vater. Ansonsten fehlt ihr leider die lauffreudigkeit von ihrem Vater.
Schau mal rein:
01.08.2005 22:25:29, Sæla Sie sind sehr sensibel und haben ihren eigenen Willen.
05.01.2005 18:57:02, stori Die Nachkommen von Gassi sind hübsch und fein gebaut, oft mit schöner Farbe. Der Hals ist weich und die Oberlinie ist sehr schön. Sie haben einen zylinderischen Rumpf und haben hervorragende Proportionen aber sind eng um die Brust. Das Fundament ist schlank und trocken aber die Vorderfüße sind sehr nach außen stehend. Tölt und Trab sind hoch, sauber und weich, aber der Paß ist mit Viertakt. Die Nachkommen haben sehr viel Wille und zeigen eine guten Charakter und sind schön unter dem Reiter. Gassi bekommt den 1. Preis für Nachkommen,131 Punkte und den dritten Platz.

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