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Anmerkungen US2004103021 - Gambur from Amazing Grace Ranch (1)
Datum/Autor Text
07.04.2006 08:19:28, Bylgia Gambur will win in the show ring, yet still be calm enough to do great on trails. He is sweet, easy to handle, not bothered by anything, curious, and loves to hang out with people. He could be brushed and petted all day long and eagerly greets any visitors. He leads, ties, loads in a trailer, and is great for the farrier. He is safe enough for kids, and is a loveable, mellow guy.

Gambur is very pretty and elegant with balanced conformation, a beautiful head and great hooves. He has very fancy movement in all 5 gaits.

Gambur has a BLUP of 111 and is out of Osk, and by the stunning first prize stallion Gymir fra Skardi. His full brother is Hrafn. Gambur has exceeded my expectations in every way, and I wouldn’t be selling him if he was a filly.

Quelle: Amazing Grace Ranch

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