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Anmerkungen IS2004287670 - Tara frá Selfossi (1)
Datum/Autor Text
21.07.2010 10:11:13, KathiA Tara from Selfossi is a daughter of Aron frá Strandarhöfđi and is a very typical one. She is fivegatied with great tölt, big movements in her trot and a very good pace. She is however only 4 and a half years old, born 2004. Her willingness is very good and she really wants to do everything for the rider. Still the nerves are strong.

She was shown last year but was then quite undeveloped, and will definitively improve very much this year. Her pedigree is very interesting, double Stigur fra Kjartansstöđum and then a triple Nattfari. This mare is a very interesting breeding mare but will also be a great competition horse, her walk for instance is very good too.

F: Aron frá Strandarhöfđi (1 price offsprings) FF: Óđur fra Brún, Honour price offsprings , FFF. Stígur, Kjartansstađir FFFF: Náttfari frá Ytra Dalsgerđi. FM: Yrsa frá Skjálg FMF: Farsćll frá Ási FMFF: Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerđi

M: Prinsessa frá Kílhrauni MF: Piltur frá Sperđli MFF: Stígur frá Kjartansstöđum MFFF: Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerđi MM: Drottning frá Kílhrauni MMF:Galdur frá Sauđárkróki.

The picures are taken now in January, the light could be a little better, speek for themselves. The mare is just getting started. Have fun looking!


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