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Anmerkungen IS1936265460 - Fluga (Brúnka) frá Grund II (1)
Datum/Autor Text
23.07.2013 12:14:28, SummseMaja Fluga (Brúnka) frá Grund, Eyjaf.

The foundation of the horse farm Syðri-Brennihóli was laid in 1938 when Björn Halldórsson, the father of the present owner, bought a young mare from Grund in Eyjafjördur. The mare had been named Fluga (meaning Fly - a common name for a perky small mare), but Björn always referred to her - for sake of modesty- as Brúnka (brown mare). Brúnka was endowed with unique qualities. Aside from being a fantastic riding horse (She was judged one of the 3 best mares in the whole of Iceland in competition), Brúnka´s mental faculties - or soul - were quite exceptional. She showed great intelligence, honesty and integrity. On the surface, her demeanor was rough and unfriendly, but underneath the surface she was a very good-natured horse who cared for people´s safety and well being. Her high spirited will was forceful and untamable, but that aspect of her character was reserved for strong and skilled riders. Children and inexperienced riders had nothing to fear from her. She only gave them the appropriate challenge to further their riding skills. She never acted in a sly or an underhanded manner and in spite of her high strung will, disobedience (she was indeed at times somewhat difficult to handle) and fervor she never hurt a rider. Her pride and courage was exceptional. She would never refuse to go anywhere the rider pointed her, like so many horses do. A rough looking river, or a swamp with bottomless pits did not scare her. Or if she was scared, she was too proud to let the rider know about it. There was absolutely no difference in her willingness to go away from home, or back. Neither did she seem to care whether she was ridden alone or in a group with other horses. All her life she felt nostalgic about her home turf near Grund in Eyjafjördur where she grew up. She got restless every spring and lost appetite. Many times she managed to escape. At one time she swam across the flooding Eyjafjardará river during the spring thaw, having to steer away from drifting ice in the heavy current. But she made it across and joined the horses in Hrafnagilsfjall mountain where she spent her first summers.

Quelle: Syðri-Brennihóli

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