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Anmerkungen IS2002235055 - Undrunn frá Akranesi (2)
Datum/Autor Text
27.01.2010 18:29:06, kati Steht zum verkauf!
27.01.2010 18:09:30, kati Undrunn herself is an extremely positive and happy horse, under riding and in all handling. She is eager to please, brave, and always willing and happy to work. Her tölt is clear with great action at all speeds. Her trot is like a 4-gaiter, even though she also has a very good pace. She is very nice and easy to ride, everyone who tries her become crazy about her. She is the kind of horse that grows on you, the more time you spend with her and get to know her, the more you adore her.
When she was being trained toward her breeding assessment, she was injured in her shoulder in her stall. So we had to postpone her training, and had her covered by Garri instead. A little later in the summer, she was ready to be ridden again, and after having being trained for a very short time received a very good 1st prize assessment.

This year she gave us a beautiful stallion foal, sired by Garri. He is light bay with a star, snip, and two white hind legs. He is already very curious and brave, like his dam.

Undrunn is splashed white, with blue eyes (overo). Undrunn’s sire is Glampi fra Vatnleysu IS1989158501 judged with a total score of 8.35, with 8.86 for riding abilities.

Undrun is pregnant with Garri fra Reykjavik, and will have her foal in the summer of 2010.

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