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Anmerkungen IS1975165600 - Hrímnir frá Hrafnagili (3)
Datum/Autor Text
15.11.2007 12:01:25, snerpa Hrímnir frá Hrafnagili ist tot.
Hrímnir hatte sich bisher immer guter Gesundheit erfreut und wurde jeden Tag genauestens von seinem Besitzer kontrolliert. Hrímnir stand mit einem weiteren Pferd zusammen im Garten auf Varmalækur, seinem Zuhause. Er erkrankte eines Morgens plötzlich und nach Auskunft des Tierarztes konnte nicht geklärt werden, was seine Krankheit hervorgerufen hat. Er wurde Zuhause, auf Varmalækur, nah am Hof begraben.

Quelle: Eiðfaxi
27.09.2005 12:19:20, Bylgia Hrímnir is owned by Björn Sveinsson, he came to Varmilækur in 1980. Then Björns father, Sveinn Jóhannsson bought Hrímnir. As soon he gave Björn the half ownership of the horse, later he gave him the rest of the ownership for his 30th birthday. Björn said when he first rode Hrímnir “I had never felt anything like that before, he was something else. Hrímnir competed 4 times in 1981 and 1982 and got three gold medals and 1 silver. He was the Icelandic champion in tölt in 1981. Hrímnir won the B-class “gæðingakeppni” at the Landsmót in 1982 at Vindheimamelar in a memorable way with the score of 8,86. He never competed again, Hrímnir’s competitive career wasn’t very long, because his owner thought he deserved it after its great success, yet he has been at many exhibitions through the years. Now Hrímnir is 30 years old and still going Very strong and healthy. He is still very willing to work as always and Björn keeps him in a good physical condition. Björn says about Hrímnir: ” It´s only once in a lifetime, that you see a horse just like Hrímnir. He has taught me a lot, he is a wise and a impressive character and is very wonderful. He is always very willing to work and he does everything I ask of him. Björn says ”He is the prototype of what I would like to be breeding.” In Landsmót 2002 on Vindheimamelar, Hrímnir was honoured by the fans of the Icelandic horse.

07.07.2005 15:15:35, stori Im Sommer 1981 war er bester Tölter der isländischen Meisterschaft auf den Vindheimamelar.
Auf dem Landsmót 1982 wurde er bester Gæðingur im B-Flokkur.

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stormhestar, taktklar, Islandpferd, Islandpferde, icelandic horse, horse, database, Datenbank, Isländer, Island, Sattel, Trense, Ausrüstung, Reiten, Pferd, Tölt, Rennpass, Natur, FIZO, Prüfung, Ergebnisse, Veranstaltungen