Is offspring off Díll frá Dísarstađir (son off Ófeigur frá Flugumýri) and Fála frá Lágafelli - He is much trained now - but is still a baby in his brain - so he would need a better training to say that he is trustfull to call him trained!
He has great clour - and cool character -loves to learn something new and is intelligent - has for shure 5 gait´s but uses brokk mostly (and show´s tölt) -
Atlas frá Lágafelli - undan Fálu frá Lágafelli og Díl frá Dísarstöđum -
Fála er undan Skrögg frá Lágafelli og Díll undan Ófeigi frá Flugumýri -
Mikiđ taminn bleikálótt skjóttur geldingur- sem hefur veriđ í tamningu hjá Ársćli í Fróđholti í vetur -
Fallegur litur - ţćgur - stór - 4 gangur -
Two coloured - white dun -gelding - wich has been in training with Ársćll Jónsson owner off Sćr from Bakkakoti - this winter -
Nice colour - very eacy character - Big and stronge - 4 open gait´s -