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IS1992184601 - Hersir frá Gerðum (1)
Datum/Autor |
Text |
13.12.2010 22:12:17, Hestamin |
Stampeded is a FAT 18 year old gelding who loves nothing more than being in the pasture eating. He was gelded late in life - just last year at the age of 17. When he is in shape and in summer coat he is absolutely beautiful. He is extremely calm and trustworthy on trails and I believe he would be a safe horse for a confident beginner. We only use him to trail ride and he is great on trails - nothing seems to bother him. Though his previous owner did say that he trail road alone, we have always trail road with pasture mates so I am not sure if he would be as confident alone. We have ridden him extensively on our farm and we have trailered to Otter Creek Horse Trails. He crossed rivers and bridges with ease. He is very responsive to rein aids and though I am sure he can trot � he has only offered walk, tolt and canter. My only complaint - Stampede can be difficult to catch in an open pasture. If he is led to or in a stall he is fine. He is easy to work around on the ground, stands well for the Ferrier, leads perfectly, bathes (not his favorite thing to do) and trailer loads easily. He does take his time in trusting new people, but always acts respectful, albeit reserved. If you are looking for an experienced and calm Icelandic horse for trail riding Stampede may be a good fit for you. He is up to date on shots/coggins and the Ferrier just visited. References of individuals who have experience with Stampede, Ferrier, vet and a friend who rides him frequently will be provided to serious buyers.

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stormhestar, taktklar, Islandpferd, Islandpferde, icelandic horse, horse, database, Datenbank, Isländer, Island, Sattel, Trense, Ausrüstung, Reiten, Pferd, Tölt, Rennpass, Natur, FIZO, Prüfung, Ergebnisse, Veranstaltungen