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Anmerkungen IS1985258700 - Katla frá Miðsitju (2)
Datum/Autor Text
10.12.2006 21:44:09, Blondie Brúnn/milli- einlitt - Rappe/Saison bedingte Aufhellung ohne Abzeichen (Farberklärung: Brún, Farbnummer: 2500) (WORLDFENGUR)
20.08.2006 15:54:29, lescha Katla breeds offspring of average size, with a chiselled head but deep jaws and a dished profile.The neck is long and soft, the shoulders are sloping and the withers are high.The back is soft and broad, the croup is strong.The offspring have a light conformation, with long legs and an elliptical body.The legs are dry but the joints are slim and the sinews are not too well defined.The hind legs are splay-footed and base-narrow.The hooves are deep and of thick material, the mane and tail are average.The tölt has wide movements and a good beat, the trot has wide steps but is not confident.The willingness is decided and the horses are quite pretty under saddle.
Katla´s offspring have a long neck and a good upper line, they are vigorous and have all gaits, and their pace is best. Katla receives honours awards for her offspring and the fourth place.

Landsmot 2006

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stormhestar, taktklar, Islandpferd, Islandpferde, icelandic horse, horse, database, Datenbank, Isländer, Island, Sattel, Trense, Ausrüstung, Reiten, Pferd, Tölt, Rennpass, Natur, FIZO, Prüfung, Ergebnisse, Veranstaltungen